About Us
Hunjan Institute Of Medical & Behavioral Sciences is run by Hunjan Educational and Welfare Society. All those young aspirants looking to make the future in the medical field have a fantastic opportunity in front of them. Under the expertise of advanced professionals, the students will learn in and out about the entire process. Awareness of the approach is essential for increasing the chances of obtaining fruitful results. With our team, you get the unique combination of opportunities, excellence, choices, and experience in one state.

The course is affiliated with the Indian Paramedical Council. The IPS main objective is to keep ethics, values, and compassion as the primary factor in bringing a change in the present environment.
Eligibility for HIMBS (Medical & Behavioral Sciences)At our institute, the aspirants get the opportunity to begin after completing
Eligibility: +2 (12th class) Pass studentsIt’s one of the most exciting opportunities you should not miss out upon, especially when you are interested in medical courses.
Our vision is to organize and provide the students with the most exceptional student program to help result in maximal possible outcomes. Most importantly, lifting the standards of quality practice.
We want to enable young aspirants to work optimally in the ever-growing environment. Most importantly, bringing the technologies that are updated and advanced.
- Certificate Courses in Operation Theatre Assistant
- Certificate Course in X-ray Technician
- Certificate Course in Electrophysiology (EEG) Technician
- Diploma in OT Technician