Physiotherapy & Rehab Clinic
What is physiotherapy and how it is useful in the treatment of diseases?
Rehabilitation Centre in Ludhiana, Punjab, Physiotherapy is considered as the profession in which the patient is healed by the means of physical treatment. In it, the therapy is performed under the supervision of a Physiotherapist in Ludhiana to induce the movements in the individual who is suffering from physical inability. Best Physiotherapy & Rehab clinic in Punjab, India can make the patient healed who is suffering from the following afflictions:
- Fractures and Joint surgeries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Lung conditions
- Chronic illness
- Terminal illness

What is the connotation of orthopaedic treatment?
- Skeleton
- Muscles
- Tendons
- Ligaments
- Fascia
All of the above-mentioned structures accompanied with tissues are apprehended and encapsulated as “musculoskeletal”. So, if you are suffering from any kind of musculoskeletal problem, you should consult with an orthopaedic physiotherapist.

What is Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy?
The term “Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy” can be defined as the extensive field of physiotherapy, which deals with disorders in the musculoskeletal system. The term musculoskeletal is associated with:
- Muscles
- Bones
- Joints
- Nerves
- Tendons
- Ligaments
- Cartilage
- Spinal discs
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy incorporates the utilization of the basic sciences as follow:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biomechanics
These theories are utilized concerning background theory which is quintessential for effective assessment and management of patients.
Which approaches are followed by musculoskeletal therapy?
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy involves the following approaches:
- Manipulation
- Manual Assessment
- Treatment Techniques
- Particular Therapeutic exercise
- Electrotherapy
- Consultation on Posture accompanied by movements disorders
In this sense, orthopaedic physiotherapy can be considered as the foundation for physiotherapists who acquire these with the time for further development of their physiotherapy practice twitch tends to concentrate on variegated zones of interest along with populations.
Can you illustrate the concept of physiotherapy?
A basic instance of this problem can be taken as when someone is suffering from a malfunctioning lung that has become decreased in its capacity. If there is a requirement for some sort of physical exercise to make it function normally. And the patient does not have enough expansion of ribcage for the effective performance of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, for the faster rehabilitation of the patient, it would not be enough to perform the cardiovascular diseases only but the performance of effective orthopaedic treatment is necessary in this regard.
- It would also help in the maintenance of good health for those who are suffering from obesity. Those who are suffering from obesity have the problem of restricted movement that is needed to burn the calories.
- If there is a problem in the movement of joints or certain parts of the body, here comes the role of the orthopaedic physiotherapist who would help in the conducting of those physical exercises which would help to make the movements in the restricted body parts. It would further lead to the burning of calories which would not cause any problem related to the stoppage of movements in other body parts.
- It becomes even more important when it comes to youngsters who are interested in the performance of sports and athletic activities. They are facilitated with the adaptation of several sporty and athletic movements. Even when it happens there is an emergence of simple ankle sprain due to the constant exercise. In those cases, a physiotherapist knows the right point of where to touch and get that person out of the pain and his ankle out of sprain.