
Orthopedic doctor
Orthopedic doctor

Comprehensive and brief note on sacroiliitis.

People are suffering from different health conditions, including sacroiliitis. It is a painful condition that affects one or both sacroiliac joints. These joints sit where the lower spine and pelvis meet. Sacroiliitis can cause pain and stiffness in the buttocks or lower back, and the pain goes down one or both legs.


What is the definition of Sacroiliitis? 

Inflammation in the joints where your spine and pelvis meet is painful and known as sacroiliitis. It hurts your legs, buttock muscles and lower back. Where two bones unite in your body is called a joint. Your sacroiliac joints join your pelvis and spine. They are mainly the point where the ilium and sacrum converge. You can get the proper treatment at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. 


Causes of the sacroiliitis

Anything that aggravates joint inflammation can aggravate sacroiliitis and create joint inflammation. Sacroiliitis is primarily caused by arthritis, which includes:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis: This type of arthritis affects the joints in your back. Ankylosing spondylitis frequently manifests as sacroiliitis in its early stages.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: This condition results from the interaction between arthritis and psoriasis. It results in skin psoriasis and joint arthritic symptoms.
  • Harm: The sacroiliac joints may sustain damage from a quick impact, such as a fall or an automobile collision.
  • Arthritis: Sacroiliac joints may develop osteoarthritis, commonly called wear-and-tear arthritis. Thus, too, is a kind of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis that affects the spine. There are several symptoms and solutions you should know about arthritis. 
  • Maternity: During labor, the sacroiliac joints stretch and loosen. Pregnancy-related weight gain and altered gait patterns might put stress on these joints.
  • Infection: Infections of the sacroiliac joint are uncommon.


Symptoms of the sacroiliitis

The pain for sacroiliitis most often occurs in the buttocks and lower back. It can also affect the legs, groin, and even the feet. The pain can improve with movement. The following can make sacroiliitis pain worse: 

  • Sleeping or sitting for a long time. 
  • Standing for a long time. 
  • Having more weight on one leg than the other.
  • Stair climbing.
  • Running 
  • Taking significant steps when moving forward. 


What are the treatment plans for sacroiliitis?

There are different treatment plans for the sacroiliitis. 

  • Physical therapy: The most typical course of treatment for sacroiliitis is physical therapy. Your sacroiliac joints’ surrounding muscles can be strengthened with stretches and exercises prescribed by a physical therapist. Your joints will feel less strain and be more stable as a result. You can improve your range of motion in your sacroiliac joints by performing sacroiliitis exercises.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are examples of over-the-counter NSAIDs. See your physician before using NSAIDs for longer than ten days in a row.
  • Muscle relaxing medicines: Prescription drugs known as muscle relaxants work by stopping your nerves from communicating pain signals to your brain, thereby relieving muscle soreness.
  • Corticosteroids: Prescribed drugs that reduce inflammation and pain are known as corticosteroids. Your doctor will give you a direct corticosteroid injection into the afflicted joints.
  • Surgery: Surgery is rarely required to treat sacroiliitis. If you have not seen relief from your pain after trying RFA and physical therapy, your clinician may suggest surgery. Your surgeon may conduct a joint fusion, which involves using surgical screws to fuse the joint permanently. They will advise you on the procedure you will require and what to anticipate in the aftermath.


The issues related to the spine can cause the problem of sacroiliitis. If you have spinal problems, contact the best hospital, Hunjan Hospital. The best spine surgeon in India performs the surgery for spinal issues. 

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