

Ganglion Cysts – Everything You Need to Know

If you have ever felt an unknown, jellylike growth, it can be a Ganglion Cyst. Although, on the surface it does not actively harm the person however, it can get in the way and start to restrict your movements. If you have an unidentified growth, it is better to confirm it with your health care provider whether or not the development is cancerous. 

What is a Ganglion Cyst?

A Ganglion Cyst is a jellylike sac that can appear to be a bump from the outside. They typically develop in and around a person’s joints and tendons. Ganglion Cyst often only develops around a person’s wrists or their hands. Depending on the positioning of the cyst, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It can also restrict the movement of your wrists or hands. The size of a Ganglion Cyst can range from as small as a pea to a fairly large lump. 

What are the Symptoms of Ganglion Cyst?

There are several symptoms of this cyst that you can keep an eye on; some of them are:

  • The patient will be able to visibly see the lump on their hands or wrists. However, the size of the lump may vary from patient to patient. The cyst can also change its size.
  • The cyst can also cause pain or discomfort to the patient, especially if it is pressing down on your nerves or any tendons nearby.
  • In extreme cases, the cyst can also end up restricting normal movement of your wrists as well as hands. In such a scenario, a person’s daily life activities are severely impacted. 
  • In some cases, the patient might feel an increasing and concerning amount of pins and needles in their arm, hand or wrist area. 

What are the Causes of Ganglion Cysts?

There can be several reasons behind the development of Ganglion Cysts; some of the most common ones are as follows: 

  • If you have been overworking your wrists and tendons, or working through an injury, it could lead to the development of a Ganglion Cyst. 
  • Damaging your joints and tendons by developing arthritis or an extensive injury could also lead to the formation of a cyst. 
  • Genetic factors also extensively impact the probability of developing a cyst. If people in your immediate family have a history of the cyst, it significantly impacts the possibility of developing one. 
  • Young women are more likely to develop a Ganglion Cyst based on the statistical data.
  • Overusing your tendons and joints can also lead to this development. 
  • There are several underlying health conditions and concerns that can lead to the development of the Ganglion Cyst. 

Treatment Options for Ganglion Cyst 

There are several ways in which you can treat a Ganglion Cyst; some of them are mentioned below:

  • If the cyst is small, your doctors might recommend that the patient just wait until it starts bothering you. There are times when the issue resolves on its own, without medical intervention. 
  • You might be recommended the possibility of tying up your hand or arm so you do not aggravate it. 
  • With the procedure of Aspiration, your doctors can effectively ensure that you have a way of draining out your cyst and shrinking its size. In some cases, the cyst might refill itself. 
  • Once you have undergone the aspiration process, your care provider might recommend a corticosteroid injection. This formulation ensures that it can reduce the inflammation and prevent the development of the cyst again. 
  • In extreme cases, surgery is thoroughly recommended. 

Ganglion Cysts are manageable and non-cancerous. However, they can still cause a lot of discomfort and pain. In extreme cases, it can hinder you from actively participating in your own life. With the help of experts at Hunjan Hospital, you can make certain that you are able to seek a diagnosis and undergo an effective treatment procedure. Ensure that you are able to seek the right treatment for Ganglion Cysts with the help of Hunjan Hospital’s experts.

Knee replacement

क्या वाक्य ही नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी से किया जा सकता है घुटनों से जुड़ी समस्याओं का सटीक इलाज ?

व्यक्ति के शरीर का घुटना एक ऐसा जोड़ होता है, जिस पर सबसे अधिक दबाव पड़ता है | इसलिए घुटनो के जोड़ शरीर के लिए बेहद महतवपूर्ण होते है | जब घुटनो के काम करने की क्षमता कम हो जाती है, तो इसकी वजह से व्यक्ति को चलने-फिरने, उठाने-बैठने और रोज़मर्रा कार्य को करने में काफी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ जाता है | इन्ही कारणों की वजह से स्वास्थ्य सेवन प्रदाता इस समस्या के इलाज के लिए मरीज़ को नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को करवाने की सलाह देते है | 


अब अगर बात करें की क्या नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी से किया जा सकता है घुटनो से जुड़ी समस्या का सटीक इलाज, तो यह बात बिलकुल सही की नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरीके माध्यम घुटनो का सटीकता से इलाज किया जा सकता है |  नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी एक ऐसी सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया में जिसमें डॉक्टर मरीज़ के खराब घुटनो के हिस्से को बदल देते है | नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को पूर्ण और आंशिक रूप से किया जा सकता है, क्योंकि सर्जरी को कितने हिस्से में करना है, यह पूर्ण रूप से घुटनो की स्थिति पर ही निर्भर करता है | आइये जानते है नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी करवाने से कौन-कौन से लाभ प्राप्त हो सकते है :- 

नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी करवाने के क्या-क्या फायदे है ? 


नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी एक लेटेस्ट और एडवांस सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया है, जिसके माध्यम से घुटनो के ख़राब हिस्से को बदल दिया जाता है | आइये जानते है इस सर्जरी मरीज़ को कौन-कौन से फायदे मिल सकते है :-


  • घुटनों में दर्द की समस्या का कम होना :- नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को करवाने के बाद घुटनों में दर्द की समस्या बिल्कुल ही कम हो जाती है | यदि आपको चलने, फिरने, उठने, बैठने और खड़े होने के समय घुटनो में दर्द का अनुभव होता है तो नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को करवाने से बेहतर विकल्प और कोई भी नहीं है |     

  • पैरो की चाल का बेहतर होना :- घुटनो की जोड़े शरीर का सबसे महतवपूर्ण अंग होता है, इसलिए इनमें किसी कारण वर्ष चोट लगने से, उस व्यक्ति के दैनिक जीवनशैली में काफी बुरा प्रभाव पड़ सकता है | लेकिन नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी करवाने के बाद पीड़ित मरीज़ के पैरों की चाल काफी बेहतर हो सकती है |   

  • काट या फिर छोटा सा चीरा लगता है :- नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी के दौरान मरीज़ के घुटनो में छोटा सा ही चीरा लगाया जाता है | फिर सर्जरी के बाद इस चीरा को टांको की मदद से सील दिया जाता है | चीरा काफी छोटा होने की वजह से वह जल्दी ठीक हो जाता है और जख्म होने का जोखिम कारक बिलकुल भी नहीं रहता है | 

  • दर्द का अनुभव नहीं होता :- यह सर्जरी रोबर्ट के माध्यम से किया जाता है, इसलिए सर्जरी के दौरान मरीज़ को किसी भी प्रकार के दर्द से नहीं गुजरना पड़ता | 

  • ब्लीडिंग नहीं होती :- छोटे से कट होने के कारण सर्जरी के दौरान बिलकुल भी ब्लीडिंग नहीं होती | 


  • जटिलताओं की संभावना शून्य होती है :- नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी दौरान मरीज़ के घुटनो में छोटा सा चीरा लगता है और ब्लीडिंग भी बिलकुल नहीं होती, इसलिए इस सर्जरी के बाद जटिलताओं की संभावना भी शून्य होती है |    

  • मरीज़ जल्दी रिकवर कर जाता है :- नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी के बाद मरीज़ जल्दी रिकवर कर जाता है, यह सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया को करने में केवल एक दिन ही लगता है, इसलिए मरीज़ को अस्पताल में दाखिला लेने की ज़रुरत नहीं पड़ती, वह सर्जरी को करवाने के बाद सीधा घर जा सकता है |  

  • परिणाम काफी बेहतर होते है :- नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को कराने बाद, इससे मिले परिणाम पीड़ित मरीज़ों के लिए  संतोषजनक होते है | सर्जरी के बाद मरीज़ अच्छे से चल-फिर और अपने रोज़मरा कामों को आसानी से कर सकता है | 

यदि आप में कोई भी व्यक्ति घुटनों से जुड़ी किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या से जूझ रहा है और स्थायी रूप से इलाज करवाना चाहता तो इसमें हुंजन हॉस्पिटल आपकी पूर्ण रूप से मदद कर सकता है | इस संस्था के सीनियर कंसलटेंट बलवंत सिंह हुंजन ओर्थोपेडिक्स में स्पेशलिस्ट है जो पिछले 32 सालों से पीड़ित मरीज़ों का सटीकता से इलाज कर रहे है | इसलिए परामर्श के लिए आज ही हुंजन हॉस्पिटल नामक वेबसाइट पर जाएं और अपनी अप्पोइन्मेंट करें | इसके अलावा आप वेबसाइट पर दिए गए नंबरों से सीधा संस्था से सपर्क कर सकते है |   



Joint Replacement Surgery Joints

Successful Joint Replacement Surgery: Benefits and Tips for Preparation

Joint replacement surgery improves the person’s life by decreasing the discomfort and pain and increasing the motion in the body. Those people who suffer from severe damage or injury can benefit from joint replacement surgery. This procedure can enhance the quality of the lives of individuals who are already in this situation, which may help them to engage in activities that were previously impossible for them to do due to damage or any pain. There are numerous benefits of joint replacement that help people live quality-free lives. 

Benefits of Joint Replacement Surgery 

  1. Pain Relief: The most significant advantage of joint replacement surgery is the relief from pain. After the surgery, patients can experience a significant reduction in pain, allowing them to resume their daily activities and enjoy life without the constant discomfort.
  2. Helps to Enhance Mobility: Those who are living with limited mobility the joint replacement surgery is very beneficial for them as it allows the patients to move freely. 
  3. Increased Independence: Joint Replacement surgery can help to improve the person’s performance and enable them to perform daily tasks without relying on someone else. This can improve the person’s independence. Also significantly improve the person’s quality of life.
  4. Improved Quality of Life: After the surgery many patients feel relief from pain. It enhanced the life quality of individuals, gave independence to freely move without relying on someone, and improved mobility.

Tips For Successful Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery has a higher success rate because there are some tips that should be followed for a successful outcome, as it is a major surgery that requires competent preparation and follow-up. Some tips that can help to ensure a successful outcome:

  • Don’t hide anything from your doctor, any kind of medicine or medical history –  everything you should tell the doctor because in some cases, the drugs may cause bleeding and it may be difficult for the surgeon to perform the procedure.
  • Let your physician know about any allergy or any medical condition you may have. It helps at the time of recovery.
  • Before surgery, ask your doctor about all your questions, and they should be answered by them. Make sure to ask them about the risks, benefits and recovery times associated with the procedure.
  • Make sure in preparation for surgery that you follow some guidelines related to health and changes in lifestyle, such as avoiding the consumption of smoking and alcohol, exercising regularly, and maintaining a normal weight, which is crucial before surgery.
  • Resting correctly before the operation helps reduce the risk of infection.
  • You should take proactive steps to ensure that you are fully comfortable and not feel anxious at the time of surgery.
  • It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully before, during, and after the surgery. This includes any pre-surgery preparations, post-surgery care, and any lifestyle changes recommended for a successful recovery.

Your Daily Life After Joint Replacement Surgery!

Life after joint replacement surgery can be a rewarding experience. Many patients report significant improvements in their ability to walk, run, and perform daily activities. This positive outcome can be a source of hope and motivation for those considering the surgery.

Joint replacement surgery is a life-changing experience for many patients, significantly enhancing their comfort and quality of life. It’s important to be aware of the risks and understand the recovery process. This treatment offers substantial relief from pain, making it a potentially transformative option for those suffering from joint issues.

After the treatment, you are immediately put on painkiller medication and are made to start the physiotherapy program which helps to regain the strength and motion in the replaced joint. This part is very essential to speedy recovery and helps to remove the stiffness and return to normal activity.

Once you regain the strength and motion in your joint after the completion of physical therapy, there are a few things you need to keep in mind for successful recovery. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle, continue exercising, and keep the new joint flexible.  You will be watchful for any signs or symptoms of infection. It is essential to give yourself adequate rest to recover after the joint replacement surgery. After that, you will find that surgery is like a rewarding experience in your life. So many people give positive reviews that after the surgery, they can walk, run, and do their daily routine activities very easily.

If you are seeking the best joint replacement surgery, then Hunjan Hospital is the best option. We provide you with treatment that can help you enhance the overall quality of your life. Our expert surgeons have years of experience in handling minimal to critical cases. With the right treatment and preparation we ensure to provide exceptional and timely recovery. Get an appointment with us!

Knee replacement

Is It Time For Knee Replacement? 7 Signs You Shouldn’t Avoid

Your knees serve as the unrecognised warriors of your physique, propelling you to navigate every step, assisting you in conquering climbs and allowing every graceful bend. However, what do you do when this crucial body part begins to deteriorate? Whether because of severe injury, arthritis, or advanced age, knee pain can interrupt your daily chaos and keep you away from what you love. For several individuals, knee replacement surgery becomes the critical path to restoring mobility and independence. 

At Hunjan Hospital, we have strong expertise in assisting sufferers in regaining their lifestyles via proven knee replacement treatments. But how do you identify the appropriate time to opt for surgery? In this guide, we will uncover the prevalent key signs and aspects that can assist you in making this essential decision. 

When should you pursue knee replacement?

Orthopedics particularly advise knee replacement surgery when other therapies, such as medication, physical therapy, or lifestyle modifications, fail to reduce persistent knee pain. The objective of the surgery is to offer enduring relief, reclaim function, and enhance quality of life. The process involves a brief explanation of the surgery process. 

However, surgery is not the initial step. Detecting the warning signs that your knee concerns are exacerbating over time is vital in determining when it is alarming to seek expert guidance. 

7 common signs you may require a knee replacement

Below are the seven concerning symptoms that signify knee replacement surgery is mandatory: 

  • Chronic pain that stays for hours

If knee discomfort stays even after taking prescriptions, rest, and physical therapy, it could be the last moment to understand that pursuing effective knee replacement surgery. Recurring pain that hardens your daily activities or interrupts sleep is a primary red flag. 

  • Weakened motility

Difficulty walking, climbing stairs, or even standing for prolonged hours can result in alleviated motility, which clearly identifies that your knee joint is no longer operating properly. 

  • Relying on painkillers

Depending significantly on painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate knee pain may reflect that non-invasive options are no longer sufficient to treat challenges in the long run. 

  1. Noticeable deformities

If you feel your knee is severely swollen, bowed, or misaligned, it could clearly indicate advanced joint degeneration or arthritis, needing a surgical procedure to address it. 

  • Recurring swelling and stiffness

Persistent swelling and severe stiffness in the joints that do not go away easily, even after taking enough rest or medications, signifies severe joint damage and notifies you to pursue a knee replacement surgery to bring back your independence and relief. 

  • Ineffective non-surgical treatments

Physical therapies, injections, or other minimally invasive options can offer extreme relaxation to several patients. However, if these approaches fail to enhance your situation, knee replacement might be the next essential course of action. 

  • Negative influence on lifestyle

When knee pain restricts your capacity to work, exercise, or pursue something you adore, you must understand that it is more than just a physical concern–it significantly impacts your mental and emotional wellness. 

Staying with chronic knee discomfort can be challenging. At Hunjan Hospital, we are here to empower you throughout your healing journey. Connect with us today and receive customised plans suiting your condition.

Hunjan Hospital–reliable healthcare providers 

Dealing with excruciating knee pain in your daily life can be overwhelming, however you do not need to struggle with it alone. Knee replacement surgery is a life-changing solution that can assist in reclaiming your motility, reduce discomfort, and significantly improve your quality of life, bringing a sense of hope and optimism. 

At Hunjan Hospital, we acknowledge the emotional and physical complications accompanying persistent knee pain. Our highly qualified team of orthopedic specialists offers compassionate care, providing reassurance and a sense of being cared for, to ensure that you experience extraordinary treatment for your complicated knee conditions. 

Furthermore, we incorporate cutting-edge tools and less painful treatments for prompt recovery and time-tested results. From precise detection to after-surgery rehabilitation, we are committed to support you at every step of the way, making you feel prioritised and supported. We also emphasise your convenience, security, and overall wellness during your treatment phase.


hip replacement surgery
hip replacement surgery

Hip Replacement: Causes And Process

Total hip replacement is an effective procedure to improve mobility. The hip replacement surgical procedure is the best option to relieve pain. It is for patients suffering from hip hampers, which may affect their daily activities and the quality of life they lead. This blog will teach you about the entire hip replacement process and its causes.

What is Hip replacement?

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which damaged parts of the hip are replaced with artificial implants. The hip is the ball that is the joint and the socket is called the femoral head and acetabulum that forms the socket. In this procedure, the ball is replaced, and the hip socket is made out of devices with metal, ceramic and plastic to naturally or mimic the movement of the hip.

This surgical procedure helps the patient to reduce the pain, improve mobility, and help the patients who are suffering from arthritis, fractures and other conditions.

Surgery process of Hip Replacement

  1. Pro-operative Evaluation: Before going for surgery, the patient is taken for medical evaluation, which includes X-rays, blood tests, etc. This helps the diagnostic team to examine how much damage has occurred  to the hip, and they may know how to proceed with the surgery. If the overall health is fine, then the patient is good to go for the surgical procedure.
  2. Anaesthesia: The whole procedure is done under general anaesthesia, therefore for this procedure the patient is unconscious. This procedure can also be conducted with the help of a local or spinal anaesthesia, where the patient is conscious. However, they cannot feel the lower part of their body. 
  3. Operative Procedure: In this, the surgeon removes the damaged section and replaces it with the metallic stem. This effectively replaces the position of the femoral head. This artificial joint is constructed and helps to reduce the pain and improve the function of the hip.
  4. Postoperative Care: Right after the surgery, patients are taken to the restroom because, in the early stages of postoperative care, the main concentration will be pain and improved mobility. The physical therapy can be done step by step to restore the strength and movement.

Causes of Hip Replacement

A hip replacement procedure is generally done to repair the damaged part of the hip joint. Here are some causes that lead to hip replacement : 

  • Osteoarthritis: It is a joint disease. Cartilage in the joint hip grinds and makes the bones rub against each other, which leads to stiffness, extreme pain and decreased mobility. Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of total hip replacement.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints and can produce extreme destruction in the hip joints. This system causes the immune system of the body to attack the healthy cells, resulting in joint inflammation.
  • Hip fractures: Hip fractures can happen due to severe accidents or falls that can significantly damage the joint and if the joint is not on the time point, then it becomes the cause of the hip replacement.
  • Avascular Necrosis: In this condition, when the blood supply is not properly done, it leads to damage to the bone tissue.  When the femoral head is impaired, there is a collapse, which can lead to pain and immobility; it is a situation of whole hip replacement.
  • Congenital Hip Dysplasia: Some people are born with abnormalities in their hip joint, and hip replacement acts as a saviour to people who have been suffering from this for a long time.

After the surgery, the patient provides utmost care to the hip joint and can easily do their activities. However, it is still advisable to avoid putting more weight to the operated part.  You doctors will also recommend that you are able to avoid engaging in high-impact activities or exercises. This will help to ensure the continuity of the implant. 

If you are also suffering from this joint problem and want to go for surgery, then visit Hunjan Hospital. We have experienced surgeons who have immense knowledge and can handle many complex cases which leads to positive results. Our aim is to provide the best service to our patients. Our experts give you the best advice. Contact us to get the best results!

slipped disc

What Happens When the Discs Slip? What are the Contained & Uncontained Discs?

When the intervertebral disc of the spine loses its normal shape and consistency, then it is known as a slipped disc. If the inner material of the disc gets leaked, then the altered shape will come into the origin. The doctors of the famous orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana use different terms for the slipped disc-like protruding, bulged, torn or ruptured. If the pain becomes so severe that the individual can’t get rid of it, then with the help of spine surgery in Ludhiana, it will be aimed at getting treated. 

What happens when the discs slip? 

The intervertebral are known for their shock-absorbing feature. These are quintessentially helpful in transferring the loads evenly. In case, the slipped disc emerges, the entire segment which is accountable for doing motion like: 

  • Adjacent vertebrae
  • Connective tissues 
  • Blood vessels 
  • Nerves 

How does the slipped disc come into existence? 

When the disc becomes naturally degenerated, then because of that the nucleus pulposus becomes quintessentially less hydrated and gets weakened with age. 

What do we know about the initiative disc? 

When the trauma is caused to the disc because of any reason. Usually, the eight lifters suffer from this issue, as they try to lift the giant weight loads which are not of their capability. And while lifting, they end up choosing a bad posture. 

Do you know? 

If the connective tissue is having any disorder, then the spinal vertebrates may get some alterations in spinal vertebrates’ shape. 

What do we know about the contained and the uncontained disc? 

  • Contained disc

When a disc gets slipped and its nucleus pulposus gets leaked out in the form of the annulus fibrosus, but it is not visible in the outermost layer of the disc, then it will be known as the contained disc. 

  • Uncontained disc 

When the nucleus pulposus completely gets released outside the disc, then it will be known as the uncontained disc.

Which type of pain, you may experience when you are afflicted with the slipped disc? 

The slipped discs may cause you to suffer from pain either in the localised areas like the arm and the back or in the far off regions like the high or the hands. 

Nerve Pain 

Nerve pain is caused when a herniation is afflicting you at the side and the back of the disc. In these positions, the annulus fibrosus is comparatively thinner. Since this part is extremely close to the nerves of the spinal roots, it can cause mechanical compression, chemical irritation or cauda equina compression. 

Do you know? 

When owing to the slipped disc, you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, then it will be known as discogenic pain. 

What happens when the disc has slipped owing to the degeneration? 

If degeneration has caused the disc to move, then it will result in instability in the motions of the spine.

Shoulder Replacement

Frozen Shoulders: Symptoms, Stages, Risk and Treatment

Frozen shoulder is the condition in which shoulders become stiff and painful. In this the shoulder’s movements are restricted and or have no movement. It is a situation in which doing daily activities like sleeping, reaching for a shelf and dressing in the affected area is challenging. However, the reason for the frozen shoulder is unclear and exploring the symptoms, causes and treatments help you manage the condition effectively.

What is a Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. It is a situation in which connective tissue becomes thick and tightens around the shoulder joint. The exact reason for the frozen shoulder is unclear, it mainly affects those people who are recovering from shoulder surgeries or injuries. It is commonly seen in people above 40 years or people  dealing with diabetes. If it is untreated then it takes a long time to recover, a month or even years fully resolved.

Ease Shoulder Pain with Caring Expertise at Hunjan Hospital

Stages of Frozen Shoulders

There are 3 distinct stages in frozen shoulders. Every stage has it own pros and cons: 

  • Freezing Stage (Painful Phase)
  • Duration: Typically lasts for 2 to 9 months.
  • Symptoms: In this stage the pain is increasing in the shoulder. The pain becomes extreme at night or worse when lying on the affected side. The shoulder becomes stiff and affects the daily activities. The stiffness increases leads to limiting the movement of shoulder.
  • Frozen Stage (Stiffness Stage)
  • Duration: Generally last for 4 to 12 months
  • Symptoms: Although in this stage, the pain becomes worse and limiting range of motion. Stiffness can cause muscle arms due to reduced use. Often pain is minimal as compared to the freezing stage.
  • Thawing Stage (Recovery Stage)
  • Duration: Can last 1 to 3 years
  • Symptoms: During the final stage, pain and stiffness gradually diminish and shoulder movements slowly return to normal level. Recovery can vary  depending upon person to person some may experience quicker improvement while from others. It can take several years, if untreated it may take up to 2 to 3 years and can different significantly between individuals.

Ease Shoulder Pain with Caring Expertise at Hunjan Hospital

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The symptoms of frozen shoulders can vary. But seeking the symptoms early helps you to prevent further complications.

  • Stiffness on one side of the shoulder makes it difficult to move freely.
  • Severe pain around the shoulder particularly affected at night, especially lying on the affected area.
  • Difficulty in doing every activity like reaching overhead, tucking a shirt or wearing a bra become challenging due to restricted shoulder movement.
  • The symptoms can be dependent upon the level dominant and non dominant shoulder affected.

Risk factors for frozen shoulders

  1. The frozen shoulder is common in people aged between 40 to 70 and with higher chances in women than men.
  2.  Those patients who are still recovering from any shoulder surgery or injuries  have a risk of frozen shoulder. That is why they are advised to begin physical therapy early.
  3. Conditions like diabetes, hyperthyroidism or cardiovascular disease increase the risk of frozen shoulders. But mainly those with diabetes are prone to develop this condition.
  4. Any history related to shoulder injuries like bursitis  have higher risk of  developing frozen shoulders later on.

How is Frozen Shoulder Diagnosed

The process of diagnosing frozen shoulders is fairly straightforward. It includes:  medical history, medical test, physical examination and imaging test. The doctor may review your reports and then confirm the condition.

Medical examination

  • Active Range of Motion: In this test, the patient is asked to move around the arm  to check how much mobility you have.
  • Passive Range of Motion: The doctor moves the patient arm to check how far it goes.

 Compilation of Frozen Shoulder

  1. The chronic pain in the freezing stage can significantly give discomfort to do daily activities.
  2. If untreated, the arm is permanently stiff and leads to limiting motion.
  3. Muscles weaken, due to limited use of the shoulder.
  4. Impact on daily tasks like dressing, driving, lifting objects can become extremely challenging.
  5. Continuous pain may lead to frustration, anxiety and sometimes depression as it limits the ability to work and enjoy social activities.

Treatment of Frozen Shoulders

  • Painkillers: Medication like paracetamol helps you to relieve pain and improve your sleep.
  • Anti Inflammatory Painkiller: Drug like diclofenac helps to reduce inflammation in shoulder point  and relieve pain during the early stage.
  • Therapies: Shoulders exercise, physiotherapies help you to recover from this condition.


Frozen Shoulder influences daily life activities, with the help of diagnosis and with the right treatment, you can prevent this condition and possibly manage pain and stiffness. Understanding the symptoms, treatment and therapies can make a big difference in your recovery journey.

Why choose Hunjan Hospital?

Hunjan Hospital provides various treatments to prevent shoulder problems. We have a skilled team of shoulder replacement and arthroscopy doctors. Each doctor has years of experience and dedicatedly provides the patient  with shoulder surgery. The elite team of surgeons in Hunjan hospital are skilled and handled various extreme cases of knee and shoulder replacements with extreme care and end results have been the best. Don’t let shoulder pain-control your quality of life! Book your consultation with Hunjan Hospital, the best orthopaedic hospital.

Knee replacement robotic surgery

What are the Reasons to Pick Robotic Knee Replacement Over the Traditional Procedures?

Nowadays, technology plays a major part in every field, such as automobiles, medicine, and others. If we consider healthcare facilities, then Hunjan Hospital utilises some of the most advanced machines or techniques to carry out its treatments and procedures. These technological aspects are now being introduced in various surgical procedures, such as knee replacement. 

Comparing Robotic Knee Surgery & Traditional Methods

If you need these knee replacement procedures, then our robotic knee replacement surgery could turn out to be revolutionary for you. The precision of technology mixed with the expertise of professionals could be a benefit for the outcome of your procedure. Whether you choose the traditional knee replacement surgery or robotic knee replacement, both are equally successful, but with the robotic procedure, we assure you that the recovery time will be shorter than you expect. 

Comparing Robotic Knee Surgery & Traditional Methods

Regardless of the success the traditional knee replacement has, the reasons why you must choose robotic knee replacement surgery are : 


  • Specific and Precise: You can see that the way robotic knee replacement surgery showcases unmatched precision is not possible in the case of traditional knee replacement surgery. The robotic technology will provide our doctors with a much clearer image of your knee so that they can place the artificial joint perfectly to improve functionality and mobility. 


  • Lesser Pain: In this robotic procedure, the pain and discomfort that you will experience will be much less than in traditional knee replacement surgeries. The procedure, being minimally invasive and precise, will allow you to recover in a short period of time. 


  • Better Mobility: If you have suffered from a knee injury of any kind, then it can compromise your range of motion. With the help of our robotic knee replacement, we can help you regain the knee mobility that you lost during the incident. Your decreased range of motion won’t create any further difficulties for your performance in the physical activities.


  • Lifelong Implants: Another benefit of robotic knee replacement is that the accurate and perfectly placed implants in this procedure will provide you with results that are long-lasting. There is no need to get your artificial knee replaced after a few years, and that artificial knee is durable enough to last for an extended period of time.


  • Less Side Effects: Whether it is during or after the surgery, the number of complications or side effects in this procedure is minimal. So, you don’t need to worry about any kind of infection or disease from that artificial knee. The entire process of robotic knee replacement is much safer and secure for you.


  • Personalised Implants: First of all, we will thoroughly examine what type of implant you would need because it may differ according to your knee and the injury that you suffered. Your anatomy will be evaluated, and then an accurate and customised fit will be placed in your knee. If the implant placed is of the wrong fit, it can lead to a decrease in your knee’s mobility and range of motion.

Conclusion : 

Technology has revolutionised medical procedures, and robotic knee replacement surgery is the best example of this. Other than this procedure, traditional surgeries are also present, and they have high success rates, but robotic knee replacement is considered highly because of its precise, accurate and minimally invasive procedure. Along with these, there won’t be any side effects, and the recovery period will be much shorter than that of traditional procedures. 

Orthopedic doctor

Which judgemental criteria will help you to find the right orthopaedic doctor?

Whenever we are down with any orthopaedic health condition, then we want to visit the best orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana, whose doctors will treat you in the best way. But some of us do not know how to find the right doctor. So in this article, we are going to know how we can choose the best orthopaedic doctors. When it is the spinal problems and the patient has to undergo spine surgery in Ludhiana, then it becomes even more vital to choose the right orthopaedic doctors.

First of all, ask for the referrals

It is important for the patients seeing the orthopaedic care to have the right kind of list of the doctors from which they can choose the ideal doctor. You gave to count on the referrals. Ask your family members, friends and relatives to recommend some of them to you.

Note: Do not have a blind trust in the recommendation. Consider visiting the particular doctor if and only if they are satisfying the credentials which makes them ideal to treat you.

Know about the experience

The experience of the doctors counts a lot. If a doctor is well-trained and experienced, then you can surely expect to get completely rehabilitated as he will formulate the best treatment plan according to your problem. 

The surgeon must be board certified

The surgeon or the orthopaedic doctor must be certified by the board. We must be possessing all the degrees and other necessary qualifications which makes him capable to treat you.

Visit the Hospital

Do not take any decision until you have personally paid a visit to the hospital in which the doctor is practising. When you visit the hospital, observe every single thing like the atmosphere of the hospital, the ambience, the way the attending staff is treating you and a lot more.

Read the testimonials

The important part of the research is reading the testimonials. The testimonials are a thorough guide that tells you whether the particular doctor or the hospital will be able to carry out the effective treatment.

If possible, then try to talk to the previously served patients. They’ll give you a thorough idea of what you can expect from the hospital and what are the possible drawbacks of the same.

Enquire about the estimated  costs

When you are on your journey to find the right doctor or the hospital, then it is very much important for you to inquire about the costs. If the cost is in your affordable range, then it can be a plus point as you will feel tempted to take treatment from them. But you have to also make sure, that if the treatment is offered at such a low cost, then the quality of surely not getting compromised

Do not always rely on the first thing you see

It is important for you not to rely on the first option which you deem as good and worthy. Always keep a scope for the second option.


Orthopedic doctor
Orthopedic doctor

Comprehensive and brief note on sacroiliitis.

People are suffering from different health conditions, including sacroiliitis. It is a painful condition that affects one or both sacroiliac joints. These joints sit where the lower spine and pelvis meet. Sacroiliitis can cause pain and stiffness in the buttocks or lower back, and the pain goes down one or both legs.


What is the definition of Sacroiliitis? 

Inflammation in the joints where your spine and pelvis meet is painful and known as sacroiliitis. It hurts your legs, buttock muscles and lower back. Where two bones unite in your body is called a joint. Your sacroiliac joints join your pelvis and spine. They are mainly the point where the ilium and sacrum converge. You can get the proper treatment at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. 


Causes of the sacroiliitis

Anything that aggravates joint inflammation can aggravate sacroiliitis and create joint inflammation. Sacroiliitis is primarily caused by arthritis, which includes:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis: This type of arthritis affects the joints in your back. Ankylosing spondylitis frequently manifests as sacroiliitis in its early stages.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: This condition results from the interaction between arthritis and psoriasis. It results in skin psoriasis and joint arthritic symptoms.
  • Harm: The sacroiliac joints may sustain damage from a quick impact, such as a fall or an automobile collision.
  • Arthritis: Sacroiliac joints may develop osteoarthritis, commonly called wear-and-tear arthritis. Thus, too, is a kind of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis that affects the spine. There are several symptoms and solutions you should know about arthritis. 
  • Maternity: During labor, the sacroiliac joints stretch and loosen. Pregnancy-related weight gain and altered gait patterns might put stress on these joints.
  • Infection: Infections of the sacroiliac joint are uncommon.


Symptoms of the sacroiliitis

The pain for sacroiliitis most often occurs in the buttocks and lower back. It can also affect the legs, groin, and even the feet. The pain can improve with movement. The following can make sacroiliitis pain worse: 

  • Sleeping or sitting for a long time. 
  • Standing for a long time. 
  • Having more weight on one leg than the other.
  • Stair climbing.
  • Running 
  • Taking significant steps when moving forward. 


What are the treatment plans for sacroiliitis?

There are different treatment plans for the sacroiliitis. 

  • Physical therapy: The most typical course of treatment for sacroiliitis is physical therapy. Your sacroiliac joints’ surrounding muscles can be strengthened with stretches and exercises prescribed by a physical therapist. Your joints will feel less strain and be more stable as a result. You can improve your range of motion in your sacroiliac joints by performing sacroiliitis exercises.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are examples of over-the-counter NSAIDs. See your physician before using NSAIDs for longer than ten days in a row.
  • Muscle relaxing medicines: Prescription drugs known as muscle relaxants work by stopping your nerves from communicating pain signals to your brain, thereby relieving muscle soreness.
  • Corticosteroids: Prescribed drugs that reduce inflammation and pain are known as corticosteroids. Your doctor will give you a direct corticosteroid injection into the afflicted joints.
  • Surgery: Surgery is rarely required to treat sacroiliitis. If you have not seen relief from your pain after trying RFA and physical therapy, your clinician may suggest surgery. Your surgeon may conduct a joint fusion, which involves using surgical screws to fuse the joint permanently. They will advise you on the procedure you will require and what to anticipate in the aftermath.


The issues related to the spine can cause the problem of sacroiliitis. If you have spinal problems, contact the best hospital, Hunjan Hospital. The best spine surgeon in India performs the surgery for spinal issues.