orthopaedic orthopaedic doctor

हड्डी के लिए प्लास्टर की जरूरत होगी कम, नया इलाज लेकर आया चमत्कार

हड्डी के टूटने या टूटने के बाद इसकी मरम्मत के लिए प्लास्टर का इस्तेमाल अभी तक आम था। लेकिन अब एक नया और चमत्कारिक इलाज उपलब्ध हो गया है जिसके बारे में हम इस लेख में चर्चा करेंगे। हड्डी के लिए प्लास्टर की जरूरत अब कम हो सकती है, क्योंकि एक नया चमत्कारिक इलाज आया है जो हड्डी की गुट्ठी और मरोड़ से स्वतः ठीक होने की क्षमता रखता है। यह नया इलाज विशेषज्ञ हड्डियों के डॉक्टर और रोबोटिक घुटना बदलने की सर्जरी के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह तकनीक अत्यंत सुरक्षित, तेजी से और पूर्णतः नवीनतम तकनीकी प्रगति है जो हड्डी के इलाज में एक महत्वपूर्ण परिवर्तन लाई है।

हड्डी रोगों के डॉक्टर: नवीनतम तकनीक का परिचय

यह नया इलाज डॉक्टर और रोबोटिक घुटना बदलने की सर्जरी द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है। यह तकनीक विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सकों द्वारा अभिज्ञापक रूप से अपनाई जाती है और यह उच्चतम स्तर की प्रेसीजन और नियंत्रण के साथ काम करती है। इसका उपयोग विभिन्न हड्डी रोगों और चोटों के इलाज में किया जा सकता है।

रोबोटिक घुटना बदलने की सर्जरी: विस्तार से जानें

रोबोटिक घुटना बदलने की सर्जरी एक प्राकृतिक और इंटूइटिव तकनीक है जो अत्यधिक सूक्ष्मता और नियंत्रण के साथ काम करती है। इस तकनीक में, एक रोबोटिक आर्म की मदद से चिकित्सक एक चीज बदलते हैं, जो इंसानी हाथ से अधिक संगत और सुरक्षित होती है। यह सर्जरी नये हड्डी का निर्माण करने और टूटी हुई हड्डी को ठीक करने के लिए किया जाता है। इसका फायदा यह है कि यह सर्जरी सामान्य प्लास्टर के मुकाबले अधिक प्राकृतिक और सुखद होती है।

रोबोटिक घुटना बदलने की सर्जरी के लाभ

यह नवीनतम तकनीक हड्डी के इलाज में कई लाभ प्रदान करती है। प्रमुख लाभों में शामिल हैं:

  1. अधिक सूक्ष्म और सटीक हड्डी मरम्मत का तरीका
  2. सर्जरी का कम समय और आरामदायक रिकवरी काल
  3. ज्यादा उच्चतम स्तर का सुरक्षा और नियंत्रण
  4. परंपरागत प्लास्टर की तुलना में अधिक प्राकृतिक और सुखद अनुभव
  5. सर्जरी के बाद अधिक दक्षिण और स्वतंत्रता की संभावना

हड्डी रोगों के डॉक्टर: विशेषज्ञों की सलाह

हड्डियों के इलाज में नवीनतम तकनीक के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए, आप बेस्ट डॉक्टर से परामर्श ले सकते हैं। वे आपकी स्थिति का मूल्यांकन करेंगे और आपको सबसे अच्छा सलाह और इलाज प्रदान करेंगे।


रोबोटिक घुटना बदलना की सर्जरी एक चमत्कारिक और नवीनतम तकनीक है जो हड्डी के इलाज में एक बदलाव लाई है। यह तकनीक प्लास्टर की जरूरत को कम करती है और पेशेंट को तेजी से और पूर्णतः नवीनतम तकनीकी प्रगति के साथ मरम्मत करने की सुविधा प्रदान करती है। अगर आपको हड्डी समस्या है तो बेस्ट डॉक्टर से सलाह लें और उचित इलाज प्राप्त करें। हड्डी के लिए प्लास्टर की जरूरत को कम करने के लिए, चमत्कारी नया इलाज लेकर आए है Hunjan Hospital वह अपने नवाचारी इलाज पद्धतियों के माध्यम से हड्डी के लिए विशेष औषधियों का प्रयोग करते हैं, जो चमत्कारिक परिणाम देने की संभावना प्रदान करती हैं। आपकी स्वास्थ्य और सुख के लिए आपकी मरम्मत के लिए नवीनतम और सुरक्षित तकनीकों का उपयोग करें।

Joints orthopaedic doctor

किन गलत आदतों ने घुटने को बदलने पर किया मजबूर ?

गलत खानपान की वजह से हड़िया कमजोर हो जाती है, जिसके कारण घुटने में दर्द व अन्य समस्या निकल कर सामने आती है। इसके इलावा घुटने में दर्द की समस्या की बात करे तो ये पुरुषों की तुलना में महिलाओं को ज्यादा अपना शिकार बना रही है। इसके इलावा बच्चो में भी ये समस्या निकल कर सामने आ रही है, इनमे ये समस्या क्यों आती है, या घुटने के दर्द से निजात पाने के लिए हमे किन बातो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए, इसके बारे में हम निम्न में बात करेंगे ;

घुटने में दर्द की समस्या क्यों उत्पन होती है ?

  • घुटने में दर्द की स्थिति तब उत्पन होती है, जब घुटने में चोट, यांत्रिक समस्या और गठिया हो। चोट के कारण घुटने में अत्यधिक दर्द होता है। जिस कारण कई बार घुटने को बदलवाने की स्थिति भी उत्पन हो जाती है।

  • इसके इलावा गलत खानपान व गलत ढंग से बैठने की वजह से भी इसमें दर्द की स्थिति पैदा हो जाती है।

  • अत्यधिक मोटापा भी नुकसानदायक है।

  • घुटने में दर्द की समस्या घुटने की आर्थराइटिस शारीरिक विकलांगता के प्रमुख कारण में शामिल है

घुटने में दर्द की समस्या किस कमी की वजह से होती है ?

घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से निजात पाने के लिए हमे निम्न बातो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए ;

  • विटामिन डी महत्वपूर्ण स्त्रोत है, हमारे शरीर व घुटनो के लिए इसलिए आपको घुटने में दर्द की समस्या है तो भरपूर धूप व विटामिन डी से भरपूर भोजन का जरूर से सेवन करे।

  • ज्यादा फ़ास्ट फ़ूड खाने से भी हमारे घुटनो में दर्द की समस्या हो जाती है। इसलिए जितना हो सके संतुलित आहार व हरी सब्जियों का खाने में इस्तेमाल करे।

  • यदि आप इन बातो को ध्यान में नहीं रखते तो आपको नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी को करवाने की जरूरत पड़ती है।

घुटने में दर्द से बचाव के लिए कौन से तरीके है सहायक ?

अनुभवी डॉक्टरों का कहना है कि घुटने में दर्द से निजात पाने के लिए व्यक्ति को खुद से ही सुचारु होना चाहिए। इसके इलावा कौन से तरीके असरदार है इसके बारे में हम निम्न में बात करेंगे ;

  • पैर मोड़ कर नहीं बैठना चाहिए। क्युकि ऐसे पोस्चर में बैठने से घुटने घिसने लगते है, जिस कारण कुछ ही दिनों में घुटने में दर्द की समस्या उत्पन हो जाती है।

  • दूसरा ज्यादा खड़े होकर करने वाले काम को न करे।

  • जितना कम हो सके उतना अपने घुटने से काम ले।

  • भारतीय शौचालयों का बहुत कम ही इस्तेमाल करे।

  • घुटने की एक्सरसाइज करे। और मौसमी फलों व दूध दही को आहार में शामिल करे।

घुटने में दर्द की समस्या की शुरुआत किस उम्र से होती है ?

घुटने में दर्द की समस्या की शुरुआत की बात करे, तो महिलाओं में इसकी शुरुआत 50 की उम्र से शुरू होती है। तो वही पुरुषो में 60 की उम्र से घुटने में दर्द की समस्या उत्पन हो जाती है।

सुझाव :

यदि घुटने के दर्द ने आपका चलना फिरना मुश्किल कर रखा है, तो हुंजन हॉस्पिटल से आपको नी रिप्लेसमेंट की सर्जरी को करवा लेना चाहिए। क्युकि काफी लोगो ने इस सर्जरी का चुनाव करके घुटने के दर्द से निजात पाया है

निष्कर्ष :

घुटने के दर्द से निजात पाने के लिए आपको उपरोक्त बातो का खास ध्यान रखना है और घुटने में दर्द की समस्या होने पर किसी भी तरह के ट्रीटमेंट की शुरुआत खुद से नहीं करनी है।

orthopaedic doctor Spine Surgery

What are the differences between spine surgeons & neurosurgeons?

Whenever someone has to get their spine surgery, they are always confused because there are two options: orthopaedic spine surgeon and neurosurgeon. In the past, neurosurgeons were only handling brain issues, but now they are also doing spine work which creates confusion for patients. And if you are also one of those confused ones, then you can visit Hunjan Hospital, an Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana.

Moreover, they have the best Orthopaedic Surgeon In India, so you can visit there to get excellent treatment. However, let’s learn more about orthopaedic surgeons and neurosurgeons in the following paragraphs.

Information about spine surgeons and neurosurgeons

  • Spine Surgeons

Orthopedic surgeons are specialists in the surgeries of spine, and they spend almost all their time providing excellent spine care to their patients. And they also provide lucrative limb trauma, arthroscopy, and joint replacement surgery. So it is pretty clear that they can provide you with excellent results for your spinal surgery.

  • Neurosurgeons

There is no doubt that chances are very less that you will find a neurosurgeon giving all your time to spine care. Because they usually deal with patients who suffer from neurological issues. Hence, it would be a great option for you to get in touch with a specialist spine surgeon in order to get good results from your surgery.

Orthopedic spine surgeons have proper training

Undoubtedly, in order to become a successful spine surgeon, they have to complete their studies for a long time. It is not enough orthopaedic surgeons to complete their training and perform some surgeries on the dummies. After completing all these necessary training, they start giving treatments or surgeries to their patients.

Moreover, there are many bone joints in the body, such as knees, wrists, elbows, necks, and ankles but the structure of spinal bone is pretty complicated. That is why it requires proper skills in order to provide positive results from spine surgery.

However, a neurosurgeon spends all their time attaining knowledge about neurological issues and the functioning of the brain. And they also get training for the best brain care and surgeries. But in the last one or two decades, neurosurgeons are also adopting the work of spine surgeries as they are trained to remove some spinal tumours.

There is no doubt that neurosurgeons can also provide spinal surgery, and there are charges that your surgery may be successful. But as orthopaedic surgeons, they spend all their time in the specific field of spine care and surgeries; hence they have more knowledge. And chances are maximum that your surgery will be successful if you will get your surgery from a specialist in spine surgeries.

Final words

Get in touch with Hunjan Hospital because at that place, you will get in touch with the experts in spinal care, and you can get your desired quality of treatment.

orthopaedic orthopaedic doctor Orthopedic doctor

Tips for choosing best orthopedic surgeon for your ortho care health

How to choose the best orthopedic surgeon?

Every individual deserves the best healthcare practices!

Health is the greatest treasure of all, without any doubt. But as we age, there’s a need for extra effort and care to take care of yourself effectively; otherwise, the risk of health issues increases with time. Primarily our concern here is about orthopedic problems and on time looking for the best Orthopaedic Surgeon In India.

If someone plays sports or does a physically challenging task, there’s an increased risk of orthopedic problems with age. Therefore, visiting the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana on time is extremely crucial to diagnose, preventing, and treating the specific problem on time. Whether your condition requires surgical or non-surgical care, the ortho doctor can tell properly which condition is required.

5 tips to look for the best orthopedic surgeon

Tip 1: Check the ortho surgeon credentials

The orthopedic surgeon’s expertise is extremely crucial to seek the right care at the right time. The board-certified ortho surgeon needs to pass a proper examination to gain the required knowledge and have the commitment to offer the most reliable care. During training, the surgeon gets knowledge regarding the specific body part, technique type, methods used, and other essential factors to perform the surgery in an accurate manner. So, select the surgeon who has enough knowledge and experience to perform the specific procedure with utmost ease.

Tip 2: Don’t neglect the reviews

To ensure that you have selected someone experienced and skilled, it’s important to carefully see the patient reviews mentioned on the website. So, while looking for a surgeon, you need to do enough search on the web. Apart from reviews do get an idea about the:

  • Doctor’s method of giving treatment
  • Used of treatment approach
  • Overall skills
  • Clinic environment
  • Doctor’s skill

The combination of all these factors plays an imperative role in ensuring the patient seeks the desired results on time with utmost satisfaction.

Tip 3: Schedule initial consultation for a better understanding

Once you have found a list of a few good orthopedic surgeons, the next step is to carefully analyze the list. In that case, it’s much easier and more effective to plan everything. When you talk to the doctor face to face, it gives you a better idea about their treatment approach and how they answer your doubts. In case you have difficulty getting the necessary answer, then consider it as a red flag and look for someone else. Scheduling initial consultation allows you to be in a better state and seek the expertise of an experienced orthopedic surgeon.

Final word

Choosing an orthopedic surgeon is an essential part of your healthcare regime. Make the decision with a mindful approach by considering all the given factors mentioned above. Go through the website and schedule an initial consultation at the earliest.

Bone Health orthopaedic orthopaedic doctor

Get detailed supervision about the orthopedic plates for the well-being

Orthopedic bone plates for better well-being

The bone plates are an essential part of the internal fixation of fractures. The plates allow the bone through the required medical tools when somebody has a fracture. If there’s any concern about which types of plates you need, then you better get supervision from the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana.

What are the situations that require the use of bone plates

The need for bone plates is necessary in various cases. The Orthopaedic Surgeon In India checks the situation and tells when to get the same:

  • There’s a need to get the alignment restored precisely.
  • The use of screws on their own won’t be appropriate.
  • The need for load sharing needs utmost precision. A bone graft is considered an important choice if that is not possible.

Some of the body parts that won’t require them to an extreme level are:

  • Jaw & face
  • The Pelvis area includes the area around the acetabulum.
  • Around the joints area where it’s difficult for the joint to get the area surfaced suitably & it might not seem everything as even

Tension band requires specific requirements

For the plate to be in a specific state to be like the tension band, there are a few essential specifications that need to be fulfilled are:

  • Make sure the fractured bone is loaded to its area
  • The plate should be placed on the tension side
  • The tensile forces should stand well with the plate
  • It’s essential to have the proper force and compression to make everything seem better

Most common bone plating

The modes of bone plating fall into different categories, and some of the important ones to keep the structural support right are:

  • Compression Mode
  • Neutralization Mode
  • Buttress plate
  • Antiglide Plate
  • Span Plating or Bridge Plating
  • Tension Band

Choosing a plate means you need to be considerate about the shape and size of the bone. Additionally, the anatomical shape keeps everything in a better and balanced state. With every plate, there’s a need for a different screw. Depending on what sort of fracture due to have and where it’s located, take the necessary further steps. Therefore to make an informed choice, it’s essential that you get the supervision of the best ortho doctor. The doctor will even make changes based on the fracture for the right material of the fracture to make the overall bone health better.

Don’t delay and get medical assistance

The doctor’s assistance plays a crucial role in changing the entire situation for the better. If you have a fracture, then you better get medical assistance on time and get everything effectively managed. Make sure that you ask all the questions that come to your mind to make the entire journey go extremely smoothly.

Bone Health orthopaedic doctor

A Guide On Bone Fracture Diagnosis And Treatment In Orthopedic Hospital

After having an injury, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of having a broken bone without any X-rays. Diagnosing the injury is still very complicated as the broken bones might still function. However, they are going to hurt. The best and safest course of action that you should take is to go to the doctor who will evaluate your serious injuries. This will help you receive a proper bone fracture treatment from the Orthopaedic Surgeon In India. They will help you alleviate the symptoms and position the bone to heal without any complications.

What Are The Common Signs Of Broken Bone?

In case you notice that the injury is tender and also has some bruising or swelling, then there is a good chance that the bone is fractured.

On the other hand, the non-displaced fracture describes the breaks in the bone that do not involve important bone fragment movement from their normal alignment. Typically you will experience a displaced fracture when the broken bone ends move out of their normal positions. There are also some cases where you might notice deformity in the bone.

There is an open wound wherein the bones are actually visible in the compound fracture. In dislocation of bone, there is a change in the natural alignment of the joint, and it can render it immobile.

There are also some cases where the nearby bones break when there is a dislocation in the joint. It also tears the tendons that are around the joints. In such a situation, we highly recommend you to visit Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana for surgery if you need to restore function and mobility.

One of the most severe fractures is a comminuted fracture in which the bones break into many pieces. If this happens, you will experience a slight gravel-like texture beneath the skin, known as crepitus.

Another very severe fracture is intra-articular. It generally happens when the fracture begins at the end of the bone, and it also includes the joint in them. It can further lead to post-traumatic arthritis even if you try to treat the fracture appropriately.

When Should You Go To An Orthopedic Doctor?

Generally, orthopaedic doctors provide facilities for bone fracture treatment, and you can easily visit them by booking an appointment. With the availability of most health insurance, we highly recommend you to go to an individual doctor instead of an emergency room as it is less expensive.

However, in case you notice any deformity in the joint or bone. Or if you have an open wound, immobility, visible bones, paleness of the limb, intense pain or tingling or numbness. Then it would be best if you went to the hospital for emergency care.


Having non-displaced fractures often requires immobilization in order to provide them with proper healing. The doctors must reduce the Displaced fractures and return them to their normal positions. This process will help them restore appropriate alignment. If you have Displaced, comminuted, and intra-articular fractures, you might have to undergo surgery and internal fixation services. They conduct this with the help of plates, screws, rods and other fixation devices.


Bone Health orthopaedic doctor

What things to consider when the child breaks or fractures a bone?

Child fracture or bone: What things should you consider?

You must take the necessary step on time when the child breaks or fractures a bone. Most importantly, the child needs to feel better so get the situation addressed on time. In that case, it’s important to visit one of the top-rated Ortho Hospital in Punjab to get your child the finest possible care. There’s a possibility that the surgery won’t be needed all the time. Bear in mind that every child’s situation varies from one another, so it’s essential to make the necessary decision depending on the same.

Important things to consider when a child breaks or fractures a bone

Factor 1: Age

When you visit the Child Bone Specialist In Ludhiana, the doctor will consider your age. This is because the way bone breaks with age varies greatly, and its healing capacity is different. Suppose there’s a fracture in a six years old and 20-year-old adult, then both of them are treated differently. The growth plates are different and might require the body some great amount of time to recover with ease. So, it’s essential to properly check the growth plates depending on the age.

Factor 2: Level of maturity

Bone maturity is different for every child. Some might have advanced bones as compared to their age and vice-versa. So, to make the bone heal the best way possible, it’s important to consider the maturity level. The ortho doctor does analyze if the child is close to puberty. A cast or splint is an appropriate choice if the child breaks his or her arm. The arms need to be aligned to aid the healing process.

Factor 3: Fracture pattern

For every fracture or break, the type of treatment required varies a lot. In case of thigh bone fracture, there’s a possibility of surgical treatment. On the other hand, for a broken wrist chance of surgical intervention are less.

Fracture 4: Choice of equipment

The ortho doctor does give importance to the type of equipment required. As there are several options available, it’s essential to select the one that’s most suitable surgical implants are not a reliable choice for a child fracture. Surgery is for adverse situations or when other things don’t work. There’s a possibility to have specially designed implants, but in rare cases.

Factor 5: Chances of surgery

Surgery comes with risks, and it’s important to get a proper understanding of the same. No doubt, the kids’ bone healing capacity is exceptional, but surgical intervention won’t be the right choice. Stats have shown that only 10% of individuals need surgery. The risks of the surgery are similar to any other normal surgery.

arthritis orthopaedic doctor

Tips You should follow Add the initial stage of osteoarthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in this world. Almost 23% of adults living with arthritis. If you look at the statistics on arthritis in the world, we will notice that it is the highest diagnostic chronic condition under the musculoskeletal disorder category. And the percentage will continue to rise.

Visit an Ortho surgeon in Ludhiana and get yourself checked before it is too late.

Osteoarthritis: A common form of arthritis

The most common causes of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA). It is basically a form of degenerative arthritis. OA Fracture the whole joint, including cartilage, bone, muscles, and ligaments. It begins from the abnormal or overuse alignment of the joint. Over the course of time, the cartilage is worn From the continuous movement. And as a consequence, the joint becomes inflamed, which causes stiffness, pain, and swelling of the area.

Osteoarthritis of the knee

One of the most common areas that Osteoarthritis affects is knee joint pain. And if you do not manage it in the initial stage, the cartilage deterioration can seriously Damage the knee. In this situation, it would potentially require a total Arthritis Treatment In Ludhiana. If you consult a professional in the initial stage of activities with a pragmatic approach, you can potentially debilitate the disease.

Apart from that, if you follow the expert advice, you will be able to keep on top of your activities and prolong The mobility of the joints. This would allow you to avoid cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and functional limitation for a longer period of time.

Expert Advice You should take at the initial stage of Arthritis

  • Take care of your mental health

Getting diagnosed with arthritis can harm your mental health to a certain extent. This could include experiencing stress and a low self-esteem level. The signs of losing independence can break a person. Recognizing feelings of frustration, isolation, fear, or resentment is one of the most essential parts of self-managing arthritis. It is an ideal way to navigate your journey positively.

You should also allow yourself to take the support of your family and friends and keep in touch with the community that shares your condition.

Social distancing does not mean that you cannot connect with this community. In fact, a self-management program for arthritis can help you match up with other people suffering from the same condition. This will allow you to have mutual support, unlike others. Apart from that, you should also focus on meditation and yoga to lower your stress level.

  • Exercise should be a part of your daily routine

Osteoarthritis, especially on the knee, can be a very stressful Disease. This is why you should incorporate exercise based on your condition in your daily life. It can help alleviate pain, tiredness, and stress without damaging or wearing down the common area. Apart from that, you should also see a very healthy weight range. Extra body fat means extra pressure on your joints.

Hamstring and calf stretches or some low-impact knee exercises will help you strengthen the area while providing a deep stretch. You could also incorporate water fitness into your daily exercise as water is good support for your joints.

orthopaedic orthopaedic doctor

Why should I consult the local orthopedic doctor for knee and bone health?

Need to Consult a Local Orthopedic Doctor

The orthopedic doctor is trained to diagnose and treat the musculoskeletal problems linked to:

  • Bones
  • Joints
  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Connective Tissues

Over time when the problem gets worse, the person’s ability to have a high-quality life goes down. Additionally, if your profession demands you to exercise often, play sports, or walk, you have increased chances of getting ortho injuries. The need to visit the Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana increases.

Your local orthopedic doctor gets the necessary training to give you non-surgical and surgical treatment to improve your knee health.

What are the non-surgical treatments for ortho problems?

During the initial visit to the ortho surgeon, your treatment plan includes giving non-surgical care. Especially when the problem is in the initial stage, the non-surgical options work the best. The most effective and successful non-surgical options for ortho problems are:

  • Pain-relief medications

At first, the ortho doctor gives pain relief medications to limit the extent of pain. Just make sure to consult the doctor.

  • Orthotics

Orthotic includes splints, braces, and custom foot inserts to help with your mobility. Getting support makes it easier to have a comfortable walking pattern and won’t lead to excess pressure.

  • Injection therapy

The possible injections are epidural, trigger point, and much more to ease the pain and block pain signals.

  • Physical therapy

The most effective one to help increase muscles strength through different options like:

  • Massage
  • Therapy
  • Electrical stimulation therapy
  • Heat & cold therapy

All in all, the therapies allow to boost the range of motion and bring ease in functioning.

Benefit ortho care through minimally invasive surgery

Your local ortho doctor can also perform minimally invasive surgery to improve your ortho health. The Ortho surgeon in Punjab is well-aware of the latest minimally invasive approach to promoting your knee and joint health.

The ortho doctor can perform the most advanced care for your knee health through robotic knee replacement. The said approach allows surgery with utmost precision and brings comfort to the patient’s health. Being an advanced approach, the procedure even allows the patient at the age of 65 to feel leading relief with knee pain.

The latest and modern treatments have cut down the need for excess downtime and discomfort. The patients can walk independently within 22 days after getting the surgery. Depending on your condition or how many problems you have, the ortho doctor will suggest the best possible approach.

Are you looking for an ortho doctor?

Hunjan Super-Speciality Hospital gives the most effective ortho care through advanced and inventive treatment options to improve your knee and joint health. The doctor will give you the most appropriate care. Tell the ortho doctor everything about your ortho health and seek the most effective care.

Joint Replacement Surgery Joints Knee Pain Knee replacement orthopaedic doctor

Is it possible to climb stairs after getting knee replacement surgery?

After undergoing a surgical procedure, several things revolve in the patient’s mind. The same approach happens in the patients planning to get a Knee Replacement in Punjab. It’s like the mind is flooded with questions as to:

  • What is life after knee replacement?
  • How to take proper care after knee replacement surgery?
  • Will it be possible to do the daily chores like normal?

Here, you need the expertise of one of the Best Ortho Doctor in Ludhiana to effectively manage the situation under all possible considerations.

Get back your life on track after knee replacement

After the knee replacement, the three-month time period is crucial to ensure the knee regains its strength. Following the ortho doctor’s suggestions, you have to get physical therapy at least 2 to 3 times per week.

After-care tips for knee replacement surgery

Tip 1: Walk, but as much as you feel comfortable with

Walking after the surgery is beneficial, but don’t put excess pressure on yourself. At the start, walk at least 2 to 3 times per day. Just make sure to use a:

  • Walker
  • Cane

For at least six weeks, you should walk with it. Once your body feels comfortable, you can stop using a cane. But, make sure to take small steps at a time for better results.

Additionally, to climb the stairs, use one foot at a time. You should follow the given approach:

  • Up with good leg
  • Down with operated leg

With time, climb stairs alternating one foot per step and hold onto the railing to add more strength.

Tip 2: Keep the body movement right

You have to be careful about the knee motion as scar tissue formation is crucial. Your knee has to get back the action in a set period; otherwise, it can stiff. So, give utmost importance to straightening and bending the knees. Follow the necessary suggestions given by the doctor.

Tip 3: Pain management is essential

For smooth and pain-free recovery, the doctor will suggest pain medications. So, make sure to take them on time. And never try to self-medicate yourself as it can lead to harmful side effects which halt the recovery period. If the pain does not seem to go down, then consult a medical expert.

Tip 4: Taking care of swelling

After knee replacement, it’s common to have pain. To reduce the same, you should:

  • Apply an ice pack around 3 to 4 times a day for the 1st month & then slowly lower the same.
  • Do not miss out on physical therapy sessions
  • Wear compression stockings as told by the doctor.

If the swelling does not seem to go down, you have to consult the ortho doctor right away.

Tip 5: Exercising after knee replacement

Exercising after knee replacement surgery is essential. Just make sure to take it slow and do at least five sets of 10 in the day. You need to include the following:

  • Ankle pumps
  • Quad sets (pressing the knee down)
  • Gluteal squeezes
  • Bending the knee by sitting in a chair/using the CPM