Tips You should follow Add the initial stage of osteoarthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases in this world. Almost 23% of adults living with arthritis. If you look at the statistics on arthritis in the world, we will notice that it is the highest diagnostic chronic condition under the musculoskeletal disorder category. And the percentage will continue to rise.
Visit an Ortho surgeon in Ludhiana and get yourself checked before it is too late.
Osteoarthritis: A common form of arthritis
The most common causes of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA). It is basically a form of degenerative arthritis. OA Fracture the whole joint, including cartilage, bone, muscles, and ligaments. It begins from the abnormal or overuse alignment of the joint. Over the course of time, the cartilage is worn From the continuous movement. And as a consequence, the joint becomes inflamed, which causes stiffness, pain, and swelling of the area.
Osteoarthritis of the knee
One of the most common areas that Osteoarthritis affects is knee joint pain. And if you do not manage it in the initial stage, the cartilage deterioration can seriously Damage the knee. In this situation, it would potentially require a total Arthritis Treatment In Ludhiana. If you consult a professional in the initial stage of activities with a pragmatic approach, you can potentially debilitate the disease.
Apart from that, if you follow the expert advice, you will be able to keep on top of your activities and prolong The mobility of the joints. This would allow you to avoid cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and functional limitation for a longer period of time.
Expert Advice You should take at the initial stage of Arthritis
Take care of your mental health
Getting diagnosed with arthritis can harm your mental health to a certain extent. This could include experiencing stress and a low self-esteem level. The signs of losing independence can break a person. Recognizing feelings of frustration, isolation, fear, or resentment is one of the most essential parts of self-managing arthritis. It is an ideal way to navigate your journey positively.
You should also allow yourself to take the support of your family and friends and keep in touch with the community that shares your condition.
Social distancing does not mean that you cannot connect with this community. In fact, a self-management program for arthritis can help you match up with other people suffering from the same condition. This will allow you to have mutual support, unlike others. Apart from that, you should also focus on meditation and yoga to lower your stress level.
Exercise should be a part of your daily routine
Osteoarthritis, especially on the knee, can be a very stressful Disease. This is why you should incorporate exercise based on your condition in your daily life. It can help alleviate pain, tiredness, and stress without damaging or wearing down the common area. Apart from that, you should also see a very healthy weight range. Extra body fat means extra pressure on your joints.
Hamstring and calf stretches or some low-impact knee exercises will help you strengthen the area while providing a deep stretch. You could also incorporate water fitness into your daily exercise as water is good support for your joints.
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