Guide on chronic back pain symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment

At some point in our lives, we all have suffered from back pain. Sometimes, the person faces the problem to the extent that they need to visit the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana and get the necessary treatment for the same. The doctor provides the Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Ludhiana by determining the reason for the problem.
What is the cause of back pain?
In most cases, the reason for back pain is due to mechanical damage because of prolonged poor posture and excessive stress. The way you live your daily regime will also make a lot of difference and trigger the issue of back pain. Sometimes the work-life increases the risk of herniating the disk. When the excess pressure is put in the disk the pain can trigger. Some of the mechanical situation of the spine like:
- Disk Disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Back Strain Disk herniation
All of these factors account for 98% of cases of back pain. Consult the Orthopaedic surgeon expert and get the treatment at the earliest.
Treatment for chronic back pain
First of all, the Ortho doctor will do a physical examination and check your past medical history. This is the first step to effective care and management for low back pain. The doctor will X-ray and check the reason for back pain. Patients who start physical therapy at an early stage are benefited to a great extent as making changes to their daily routine and following the doctor’s guidelines will reduce the severity of the problem. Research has shown that most of the patients see the improvement with:
- Physical therapy
- Physical activity
- Non-additives and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
The surgical approach is considered in those cases when the patient’s condition does not improve or it is getting severe with time.
What are the preventive measures?
- Keep your body weight normal
- Do not smoke
- Stay physically fit and active
Important Guidelines
Follow these 10 to 20 days after you have started noticing the acute low back pain:
How to sit?
- Sit for 10 to 15 minutes
- Sit with a back support
- Use a stool to rest your foot
How should I drive?
- You back support while sitting or driving the car
- Keep the seat close to the steering wheel so that it does not put pressure on it.
How should I Stand?
- You need to keep your head up, chest forward, shoulders straight, and weight should be balanced on both feet. Hips should be tucked in.
- Do not stand in the same position for long.
- The work table should have a comfortable height. If needed, you should adjust it.
- While standing in the kitchen for a long time, you should rest your feet inside the kitchen cabinet. Try to do this both for both feet for 5 to 15 minutes.
Important consideration
- Make sure that you do not stoop, squat, and kneel.
- Try to avoid lifting objects
- In case, you have to lift something then make sure to have a firm foot.
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