Procedure for the Knee Replacement Surgery

Orthopedic Surgery is related to the musculoskeletal system. It is related to the surgery of diseases and injuries related to the bones, muscles, ligaments, tenders and soft tissues. It is the complex system of the musculoskeletal system, including bones, muscles, soft tissues, ligaments and tenders, which helps in moving the body. Orthopedic surgery deals with the issue with any part of the musculoskeletal system. For more details, visit Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana.
Knee replacement surgery
The knee is one of the most important joints of the body, managing all the body weight. The position of the knee makes it more susceptible to injury and its dysfunction. So it is important to prioritize proper knee care.
Knee replacement surgery is performed to replace injured parts or worn-out knee joints. It is used to provide relief from the pain and make the joints work properly. The damaged part of the knee is replaced with the plastic and metal parts. Knee replacement surgery is usually performed on people who have arthritis, in which people face problems in climbing stairs, or getting up from the seat, and sometimes even walking. For more details consult Orthopaedic Surgeon In India.
Procedure for the Knee replacement surgery
- Pre-surgery preparation: A thorough evaluation would be made before going for the knee replacement surgery in which medical history will be reviewed, physical examinations will be made and diagnostic tests will be performed. After proper analysis, your surgeon will discuss the procedure, potential risks, and benefits with you.
- Anesthesia: Anesthesia will be given to the patient to make him feel comfortable and pain-free during the procedure
- Incision: An incision will be made over the knee by your surgeon to access the joint. The size and location of the incision will depend on the condition and needs of the patient.
- Reshaping the bones: The damaged portion of the knee point, which includes the end of the thigh bone called the femur and shin bone, is carefully removed. The bone surfaces are reshaped to fit the artificial joint components.
- Implant placement: The artificial joint components made of plastic and metal are securely attached to reshape the bones. Proper placement of the artificial joints makes the knee joint work smoothly.
- Wound closure: After the placement of artificial joints are done properly, the surgeon will close the incision with stitches or staples.
- Recovery and rehabilitation: After the procedure is done, the patient will be sent to the recovery room, where medical staff will monitor the patient. Physical therapy and rehabilitation will help you to recover and regain your strength, mobility and flexibility.
What are the common risks after Knee replacement surgery?
- Bleeding inside the spinal column
- Leaking of the spinal fluid
- Accidental damage to the blood vessel
- Accidental damage to a nerve
- Dural tear
- Decreased range of motion
It is important to note that no doubt knee replacement surgery may contain certain risks, but usually, knee replacement surgery is safe and effective. Also, you should get your knee replacement surgery done from the best Orthopedic Hospital in Ludhiana for a successful surgery and proper recovery.
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