Orthopedic doctor

Role of immobilization in shoulder separation treatment.

A shoulder separation is not truly an injury to the shoulder joint. The injury actually involves the acromioclavicular joint, which is also known as the AC joint. The AC joint is where the collarbone, Called the clavicle, meets the highest point of the shoulder blade, known as the acromion. 


Understand the separation shoulder. 

An injury to the acromioclavicular joint, where your collarbone and shoulder blade connect at the highest point, results in a separated shoulder. A shoulder separation does not injure the shoulder’s primary ball-and-socket joint. An acromioclavicular joint injury arises from tearing or overstretching the ligaments that connect your clavicle to the acromion. Your shoulder blade and collarbone may move or detach from one another due to the tear’s loosened joint connection. The best ortho hospital in Ludhiana offers you appropriate treatment. 


What are the causes of the separation of the shoulder? 

The most typical reasons for the separation of the shoulder are as follows: 

  • Falls: One of the most frequent causes of shoulder separation is a fall onto the shoulder or an outstretched hand. 
  • Direct blows: Shoulder separation can occur from a direct hit to the shoulder region, such as an impact during an automobile accident or a collision during sports.
  • Sports Injuries: Shoulder separation is more common in contact sports like football, rugby, hockey, and martial arts, where athletes are at risk of collisions or falls. 
  • Motor Vehicle Collisions: Shoulder separation injuries can result from high-speed motor vehicle collisions that apply a large amount of force to the shoulder.
  • Occupational Injuries: Shoulder separation is more common in several industries due to heavy lifting, overhead labor, and potential falls or collisions.


Immobilization’s function in treating shoulder separation

Depending on the damage’s severity, immobilization may play a part in treating shoulder separation, especially in cases of acromioclavicular joint separation. Here are some uses for immobilization:

  • Grade I and II Injuries: Immobilization may not be required for mild to moderate AC joint separations in which the ligaments are partially torn or strained. 
  • Grade III Injuries: Immobilization may be advised initially to allow the ligaments to heal in more severe cases of AC joint separation, where the ligaments are entirely ripped. 
  • Grade IV–VI Injuries: In exceptionally severe AC joint separations, surgical intervention may be necessary to rebuild or stabilize the joint. 


When treating shoulder separation, why is immobilization crucial?

For several reasons, immobilization is essential in the treatment of shoulder separation, especially in instances of acromioclavicular joint separation:

  • Facilitating healing: Immobilization aids in stabilizing the injured joint, limiting mobility and avoiding additional deterioration of the already damaged ligaments, which promotes healing. 
  • Discomfort management: By restricting mobility and lessening strain on the damaged joint, immobilization can help ease the discomfort associated with shoulder separation. Immobilizing the shoulder helps people feel less uncomfortable when resting and during everyday activities, especially in the early stages of an injury.
  • Avoiding consequences: Overusing the damaged shoulder joint may result in consequences like heightened inflammation, sluggish healing, or even more harm to the surrounding tissues. Immobilization reduces these hazards by shielding and supporting the wounded part.
  • Promoting optimal alignment:Immobilization aids in maintaining the separated shoulder joint’s correct alignment during healing to promote optimal alignment and avoid malpositioning or deformity. 
  • Improving rehabilitation: Immobilization can sometimes be used as a prelude to rehabilitation. After the acute phase of the injury has passed, medical practitioners can progressively introduce therapeutic exercises and activities by first immobilizing the shoulder joint. 

People suffer from orthopedic problems because of weak muscles and bones. Contact the best orthopedic doctor in India at Hunjan Hospital.

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