Spine Surgery

What are the types of spine surgery you can undergo at Hunjan Hospital?

Hunjan Hospital best place for Spine surgery to boost your spine health

Your spine is the reason that body strength and ability are always in the right place. Moreover, with the spinal vertebrae, the spinal cord gets the right kind of protection it needs. In many cases, the patient needs to undergo spine surgery and for that getting the surgery at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana like Hunjan Hospital will make a difference in your health. Dr. Balwant Singh Hunjan is one of the most trusted names among the ortho doctors for giving different treatment options be it Knee Replacement in Ludhiana, spine surgery, or any other ortho treatment.

Different types of spine surgery

    • Lumbar Decompression Surgery for Spinal Stenosis

This surgery is also known by the name of lumbar laminectomy which is done for spinal canal correction. In medical terms, this surgery is used for spinal stenosis. The excess pain caused by this problem is addressed perfectly with this. In most cases, the spinal canal narrows down due to age. With the surgery, the canal is widened, and then the pressure is released from the same.

    • Spinal fusion surgery

During this surgery, the vertebrae which are next to each other will be connected so that pain levels are reduced. Through the use of screws and rods, the vertebrae are linked with each other. Once that is done, the healing is done on its own, and it gets fused.

    • Lumbar discectomy

During this surgery, an injured disc is treated which is present in the lower back area. The lumbar discectomy is performed in 2 types which are:

    • Open spine surgery
    • Minimally invasive arthroscopic discectomy
    • Herniated Disc Surgery

With this surgery, the herniated disc is repaired and for that either some part is removed or all of it. The vertebrae adjacent to each other are fused which allows the pain to get less. Although, with spinal fusion, that specific section of the back is not able to move. When you will visit the doctor for the consultation, a necessary decision is made as per your current state.

Best team of spine surgeons at Hunjan Hospital

As the technology keeps on advancing, it has helped the patients to get the best spine surgical options for their spine health. In addition, the expertise of spine doctors makes everything better as they can effectively and safely handle all the different types of conditions and injuries. No doubt, you deserve the best of care , and this is what the doctors at Hunjan Hospital do every day for you. Moreover, we have even tailored the treatment plan as per your specific needs by considering your current state and checking your medical history to understand the situation in a better manner.

Are you having trouble with your spine?

No need to worry about anything as with our experienced team of spine surgeons you will get the possible care you want. Schedule your initial consultation with our team.


Spine Surgery

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